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Las conclusiones de este grupo de reflexión sobre Teoría de la Arqueología corrieron a cargo de Colin Renfrew ("After-image", 330 ss.).

Archaeology and the Politics of Vision in a Post-Modern Context
Editor: Julian Thomas and Vítor Oliveira Jorge
Date Of Publication: Dec 2008
Isbn13: 978-1-4438-0050-1 - Isbn: 1-4438-0050-3

Archaeology is intimately connected to the modern regime of vision. A concern with optics was fundamental to the Scientific Revolution, and informed the moral theories of the Enlightenment. And from its inception, archaeology was concerned with practices of depiction and classification that were profoundly scopic in character. Drawing on both the visual arts and the depictive practices of the sciences, employing conventionalised forms of illustration, photography, and spatial technologies, archaeology presents a paradigm of visualised knowledge. However, a number of thinkers from Jean-Paul Sartre onwards have cautioned that vision presents at once a partial and a politicised way of apprehending the world.

In this volume, authors from archaeology and other disciplines address the problems that face the study of the past in an era in which realist modes of representation and the philosophies in which they are grounded in are increasingly open to question.


Vítor Oliveira Jorge is Professor of Archaeology and Cultural Heritage at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto, Portugal. With Julian Thomas, he has edited the book “Overcoming the Modern Invention of Material Culture” (Porto, ADECAP [*], 2006/2007), a special issue of the Journal of Iberian Archaeology, that he edits since 1998.

Julian Thomas
Professor of Archaeology at the University of Manchester. Publications include 'Understanding the Neolithic' (Routledge 1999) and 'Archaeology and Modernity' (Routledge 2004). Prof. Thomas is currently one of the Directors of the Stonehenge Riverside Project, and is Vice President of the Royal Anthropological Institute. E-mail:

Price Uk Gbp: 39.99
Price Us Usd: 59.99

[*] Vítor O. Jorge es fundador y presidente de ADECAP: Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Cooperação em Arqueologia Peninsular (aquí algunas de las publicaciones de la Asociación), y de su revista, Journal of Iberian Archaeology.

Visitas: 128


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